Sunday, November 2, 2008

Plotting Against the Meek

We Are Innocent! Baa-aaa!

"But I was like a gentle lamb led to the slaughter; And I did not know that they had devised plots against me." Jeremiah 11:19

This has been quite the week! Due to tribal politics, elections, and the fact that everyone running for office on the reservation are related to each other (not quite Deliverance-style, but purt'neer close), on Wednesday my fellow colleagues and I were told not to come back to work. The faithful soldier that I am, I did go back into work the following day to find that I still had my job, but everything feels tenuous at best. I am sure everyone in the United States feels the same way right now.

Seeing as how everything is a little shaky, I took a job on Saturday to do a lot painting and maybe a little leaf-raking in town, only to have the ol' bait-and-switch pulled, and I ended up doing a little painting and 8 hard hours of leaf-raking. I am pretty sure I could hear the clanging sound of men hitting rocks with pick axes and singing gospel somewheres nearby. This came after a full day of rock climbing the day before; my body gratefully gave in to Daylight Savings this morning as well as a midafternoon nap. The leaping sheep in my dreams quickly gave way to the leaping sheep next to my bunkhouse.

Yes, today was sheep culling day. Deciding the fates of 60-some-odd, innocent, cute, fluffy sheep (okay, they are also really stinky, dirty, way too strong, and wily!). Which ones are staying, which ones are going to be...

mutton chops.
Mutton chops for breakfast, lunch, and dinner given how many sheep we culled.
Speaking of wolves and lambs... Apparently, we are quite the exciting bunch! Margery's family has ulterior motives in running the ranch (from thousands of miles away), and as of this week they have hired a spy (ex-cop who is now a "private investigator") to come by a couple times a week, sit in his truck, and watch us. We are all plotting ways to have fun with him, so if anyone has any good ideas for messing with spies, let us know. Things that don't necessarily involve racecars, helicopters, and women in bikinis. Okay. Maybe we could handle the women in bikinis part. They could serve me drinks while I could start on my upcoming, award-winning novel.